Benefits of Using UV Light for Disinfection

 Benefits of Using UV Light for Disinfection

Traditional disinfection methods have been used for centuries – but are they good enough? The truth is that even the most rigorous cleaning with hot water, bleach, and disinfectants can miss harmful germs and bacteria. In the worst-case scenario, those things may cause illness or even death.

On the other hand, UV light disinfection uses ultraviolet technology to kill all germs and bacteria more quickly and is a great supplement for other methods. Some businesses are reluctant to try it, but at Violet Defense, we know that the benefits far outweigh the expense of making the switch. Here are the top six benefits of using UV light for disinfection.

Benefit #1: UV Light Disinfection is Non-Toxic

Arguably, the most important benefit of UV light disinfection is that it’s non-toxic. Unlike harsh chemicals that are sometimes used in cleaning and sanitization products, UV light is environmentally friendly. UV light disinfection is a physical process, not a chemical one.

UV light disinfection is safe for use on food as well as food prep services and non-food items. While human beings can be harmed by excessive UV exposure, proper protection makes this a safe and non-toxic disinfection method for the restaurant, hospitality, and medical industries.

Benefit #2: UV Light Disinfection is an Extremely Effective Form of Disinfection

The next key benefit of disinfecting with UV light is that this method of disinfection can me far more effective than other methods. UV light kills a wide array of harmful organisms.

For example, did you know that UV light destroys molds and spores? Other disinfection methods may not – or they may leave a damp environment where fungi can thrive. Since UV disinfection is a dry method, you can be sure that it will take care of existing mold and prevent its growth in the future.

Benefit #3: UV Light Disinfection Kills Pathogens Without Immunity

If you have followed the news about antibiotic-resistant bacteria, you know that the use of some traditional antimicrobial agents and disinfectants has had dire consequences. The development of antibiotic-resistant bacteria is a significant problem in the medical community.

Unlike traditional disinfection methods, UV light disinfection is a physical method for killing bacteria.  Therefore, bacteria in question cannot build immunity to it. That’s a huge plus, particularly for hospitals and assisted living facilities.

Benefit #4: UV Light Disinfection Doesn’t Have to be Portable

The next benefit of UV light disinfection is that the technologies we’ve created can stay in place in guest rooms, ready to be used as needed.  The great news is that means you can install our unit and then let it autonomously do the work.

Whether you want to be able to disinfect rooms anytime a room is unoccupied or during a set cycle overnight, our products can help you get the job done without you even having to be there.

Benefit #5: UV Light Disinfection is Affordable

It might surprise you to know that UV disinfection is an affordable sanitization method. People sometimes assume that it’s costly because it uses technology instead of chemicals, but that’s not the case.

A one-time investment in UV light disinfection technology can save you time and money for years because the unique property of our lens means you will not have maintenance costs over the life of the product and since the unit can operate autonomously when installed you don’t have the associated labor costs over time like other methods do.

Benefit #6: UV Light Disinfection is Safe

One of the most common questions we get about UV light disinfection is, “Is it safe to use?” People tend to associate UV exposure with risks such as sunburn, but the key thing to understand is that UV light is safe if used properly.

Our systems have redundant safety systems built in to ensure the product will only turn on when the room is unoccupied.  UV light is less likely to cause harm than the harsh chemicals in cleaning products if you take the appropriate precautions.

UV Light Disinfection Can Help Your Business

The takeaway here is that switching to UV light disinfection can help protect your guests, save your staff time and effort, save you money, and give you additional value-proposition for your customers. Why not try it?


Post time:2022-10-11

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